Become an extraordinary man by building a transformational group of men around you

Start a Tribe

Men aren't meant to do life alone

Turns out being a lone wolf is a terrible way to live. You need a group of men around you to keep you at your best.

Start a Tribe

No matter your stage of life, a Tribe can help you.

Be A Man

Push through the confusion about what it means to be a man, and learn to live like one.

Make Friends

Most men don't have real friends they can both trust and hang out with. You'll be the exception.

Break Free

Shake off the burdens that have held you back from being the man God designed you to be.

Start a Tribe

Built For Men, By Men

Manhood Tribes are built on years of working with men and understanding what we need. 

This isn't just a group of drinking buddies or guys to watch the game with. But it's also not your typical church small group either.

In any Tribe, at any stage of life, you can expect:

  • Activities to challenge and sharpen you as a man
  • Brothers who want to help you be your best
  • Discussion about what's really going on in your life
  • Adventures to create fun memories together
Start a Tribe

Choose Your Tribe

Pick the Manhood Tribe option that works best for your age and stage of life. (Over time we will offer more options.)

Purchase Your Course

All the guidance and instruction you need will be in your course. We'll walk you through every step to start and lead your Tribe.

Follow The Plan

Everything from who to invite to what to talk about. It's all in there. And you can always contact us if you need additional support.

Start a Tribe
Wade H

"I'm so grateful for how First Tribe brought me closer to my sons."

Shaun S

"Being in a Tribe is the best men's group experience I've ever had."

Justin T

"I could have never been the man I am today without my Tribe."

Start a Tribe

How Manly Are You?

See how you measure up as a man!

At Manhood Tribes, we believe manhood shouldn’t be so complicated. Let us help you take the guesswork out of what it means to be a man.

Use this free quiz to see where you stand out from the crowd, as well as some areas you could work on.